DreamWeaver Tutorial

DreamWeaver tutorial is currently a lot in the search. And in this occasion I will share about how to install Macromedia DreamWeaver.

You can download the Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Trial version from the Macromedia/Adobe official web site.

If you have already purchased the full version of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, you can enter its serial number at the initial installation screen.

Next, you should agree to the Adobe Software License Agreement.

Once you have done that, follow the instructions in the setup program in order to finish the installation of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.

When your website has a lot of pages and you want them to share certain design features, you can create and apply a template to them. If you have a group of pages with an applied template to it, you can change the information of the group by editing the template and then reapplying it to those pages. You can do that while keeping the unique element of each page unchanged.

Define your site and create a page which will be used to create your template.
Once you finish select File -> Save as template. A small window will pop up. Choose the site for which you want to create this template and type the name of the template to be saved with.

Now you have to create an editable region in your template. These regions are placeholders for content that is unique for each page the template is applied to.
Select Insert -> Template Objects -> Editable Regions:

Type the region name in the pop-up window:

Now you have a template with an editable region in it. You have to apply this template to a page. Open an existing page to apply the template to it. Select Modify -> Templates -> Apply Template to Page.

Choose the template that you want to apply to your page and click on the Select button:

On the Inconsistent Region Names window choose template region and click on "Use for all" button. Then click on OK.

Your page is now the same as the template with its components placed in the editable region. You can now save it.

This tutorial will show you how to create jump menus with DreamWeaver. Additionally, you can check our tutorial on How to insert images and text to your website.
Creating a Jump Menu is quite simple. Create a new basic html document and insert a form area:


Next you have to insert a List/Menu form object. Select Insert -> Form and click on List/Menu:

Now you have to apply a Jump To java script to your List/Menu object. Go to the Tag Inspector menu (if it is not open click on Window -> Tag Inspector). In the Behaviors tab, select the list menu and click on "+" button and choose Jump Menu:

A new window will pop up - here you have to add options for your drop-down jump menu.

To add a new link click on '+', or to remove a link click on '-'. In the Text field type the option name and in the next field enter the URL that you want to jump to when this option is selected from the menu. When you are ready with the options for your Jump Menu, click OK to save it.
