Adobe Dreamweaver (formerly Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a web development application originally created by Macromedia, and is now developed by Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005.
Dreamweaver is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Recent versions have incorporated support for web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, and various server-side scripting languages and frameworks including ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP.
Below is a tutorial on Macomedia DreamWeaver.
Dreamweaver is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Recent versions have incorporated support for web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, and various server-side scripting languages and frameworks including ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP.
Below is a tutorial on Macomedia DreamWeaver.
Customize the background color, input font and color for text boxes
- The first step is to create a style with the background color and font that you'd like for the text box. Open the Style window by clicking on Window > CSS Styles. Create a new style by clicking on the '+' icon found at the bottom. Give a name to the style like 'textboxstyle' and click on OK. In the 'Type' category select the font type, size, color and weight. In the 'Background' category select the background color that you'd like for the text box. Click on OK when you've finished.
- The next step is to insert a text box by clicking on Insert > Form Objects > Text Field.
- The final step is to apply the style to the text box. Select the text box and from the CSS Styles window select the style 'textboxstyle'. Once the style is applied to the text box click on File >Preview in Browser to preview the text box in Internet Explorer.
Please Note: You will not be able to view the style in the text box in Dreamweaver. You can only preview it in Internet Explorer.
Customize the background color and font for drop down Lists
This is the same as discussed above. Create a style just like we did for the text box and apply the style to the drop down list box.
Validate Forms
- The first step is to insert a form by clicking on Insert > Form
- The next step is to insert 3 text boxes for name, email and phone. Choose Insert > Form Objects > Text Field to insert 3 text boxes. Name the first text box 'Name', the second 'Email' and the third 'Phone' in the Properties inspector.
- Insert a submit button by clicking on Insert > Form Objects > Button
- Open the behaviors window by choosing Window > Behaviors. Select the form tag and click on the '+' icon in the behaviors window. Choose Validate Form
- In the pop-up window that appears choose the text field you want to validate and select the required validation.
- Select Required for Name
- Select Email for Email Address
- Select Number for Phone
- Click on OK.
- Check the validation clicking on File > Preview in Browser
Create a custom submit button
- The first step is to create a style with the background color and font that you'd like for the submit button. Open the Style window by clicking on Window > CSS Styles. Create a new style by clicking on the '+' icon found at the bottom. Give a name to the style like 'buttonstyle' and click on OK. In the 'Type' category select the font type, size, color and weight. In the 'Background' category select the background color that you'd like for the text box. Click on OK when you've finished.
- The next step is to insert a text box by clicking on Insert > Form Objects > Text Field.
- The final step is to apply the style to the text box. Select the text box and from the CSS Styles window select the style 'buttonstyle'. Once the style is applied to the text box click on File >Preview in Browser to preview the text box in Internet Explorer.
Please Note: You will not be able to view the style in the text box in Dreamweaver. You can only preview it in Internet Explorer.
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